Nadim Kobeissi

I'm a computer scientist and a software developer with a focus on applied cryptography and software security. I'm also a hobbyist puzzle game developer and runner. I'm based in Paris, France. Professionally, I am:

Previously, I wrote and defended my Ph.D. thesis, Formal Verification for Real-World Cryptographic Protocols and Implementations, at Inria Paris, after 3½ years of research with team PROSECCO. I also designed and taught the computer security course at New York University's Paris campus, where I served as an adjunct professor.

Download CV (PDF) My Curriculum Vitae (PDF)


My software is published by my small Paris-based company, Symbolic Software. Over the years, I've worked on probably over a dozen projects; here are the ones that matter and that are actively maintained:

Applied Cryptography

Puzzle Games

Selected Publications

Selected Presentations

Cryptography Podcast

I host Cryptography FM, a podcast with news and a featured interview covering the latest developments in theoretical and applied cryptography. Whether it's a new innovative paper on lattice-based cryptography or a novel attack on a secure messaging protocol, we'll get the people behind it on Cryptography FM to talk about it.

Blog Posts

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Other Interests

Check out this gallery of my favorite paintings. I'm also a hobbyist photographer. Also, I have a small independent website that reviews Game Boy Color games called Color Cart Critic.